hey, i didnt actually know this site had this feature lol
i think i might use this as a sorta diary thing? idk
today has been both incredibly uneventful and totally draining at the same time, one of my favourite content creators got cancelled and in my real life i made my bed, cleaned my room and got a papercut... great.
its about midnight here for me and i have school in the morning, i dont want to go,, i cant even see my best friend as she attends school on a different day that i. i guess it gives me an excuse to actually focus on schoolwork ://
i had to take my first covid test for school and it was the most strange experience ever, it made me sneeze in such a strange way haha
im hoping that tomorrow wont be too difficult of a day, im looking forward to seeing my favourite librarian but other than that i am dreading being stuck outside with a bunch of people who ignore my existence, ah well