Ik this blog is a little late but as u can see I changed my profile to Tricky theme ^_^ I might switch from soft theme to tricky theme at some point so be aware of that xD
But yea hope u all have a good day and don’t be scared to message me! <3
Hi hi! Sorry for being inactive for a little bit I couldn’t really get time to check here lol, but I’ll start hopping onto MySpace often! ^_^
No commentsI remember a dream I had last week, it’s kinda crazy so hold on tight XD I was in this house, that looked damaged from the inside. Broken doors, broken rooms etc. what really confused me is that outside was complete sunshine with bright beautiful houses, and then this house was just old and damaged badly. Outside the house was one tree that was barely alive. It’s like this house had been through a fire or chemical bullcrap idk. It wasn’t longe before I just fell into a hole and my dream just stopped, honestly that dream was interesting, but I would not wanna go back again for obvious reasons!!
1 commentTo be honest, I wasn’t expecting to find friends on MySpace I only made this for shit and giggles XD but now I actually met some pretty cool people which is poggers. I’ll definitely use this website more it’s so fun, people really know how to design theyre profiles and I’m a little jealous of how good they all look (T_T)