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my_dsi_died's Blog

"barbie is punk rock as hell"
16 years old
Last Login: 21/06/2021
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12 Mar 2021, 04:53

quarantine's 1 year anniversary

today i ate 3-year-old pizza bagels from the freezer that tasted like the smell of formaldehyde to celebrate the quarantine's anniversary

it's crazy that it's been a year

well anyways i can't wait until i can go to local band events again
i'll be able to give out some kandi singles like a mad man

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6 Mar 2021, 17:11

kin list that started as a joke

this started as a joke but no it's not
i am who i am i will not apologize

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6 Mar 2021, 04:13

stuff i think is neat!

-here's a random person's pet pet park gif! it's literally the only gif related to petpet park i think:

-here's a cool bearville gif! there's literally nothing left but videos and images of bearville:

-fredo disco's frankenstein!


-2008 hard rock cafe barbie!

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