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techno-blade's Blog

"be gay do crime"
15 years old
United States
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does anyone know how to write streamer aus ??? cries in fanfic

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hewwo uwu

so its recently come to my attention that some of my fwiends don't know 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, which sucks, because it's my personal favorite musical probably of all time.

if you have access to youtube, give it a listen. there is one song called "my unfortunate erection" that you might have to skip over if sexual stuff makes you uncomfy, but other than that its just some mild language for the rest of the show. im currently doing this production at my school (playing olive ostrovsky ! my dream role, fr) and it has been fun every second of rehearsals. would definitely recommend- in fact, i'll probably put the livestream link on here once it's set up, so you guys can watch my shitty high school production of an obscure musical that virtually nobody knows.


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cells at work ♱♡‿♡♰

i recently started cells at work (and even more recently realized i could blog here... lol) and i know it's a blood cell and not even a healthy one at that but i have a very profound attachment (read as: i am incredibly attracted to) the cancer cell

what is wrong with me

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