Hi, sorry for ghosting for such a long time. I haven't been doing too well lately and I still am a bit but at the very least i'm inching out a bit from being a hermit physically and socially. I lot has happened in the past few months and everything feels like it's going full circle, like i've been going through karma or something and this mercury in retrograde isn't helping. At the very least i'm in my summer break and i'm also going to be taking a break from community college which is nice so I have time to relax and do the things I wan't to do and make like worthwhile ❦
No commentsIt's nice to meet you all, i've bareely made this account and i already have 8 friends :), i'm unsure as to how i'm going to run my page, might be spammy idk. Feel free to message me and chat anytime, it's best when i'm online and if i'm not i'll respond when i'm online asap. .. +~~~-° ° - °~ + °. +.++..~ + +° ° +~ + . ~
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