Thank you for looking at my blog, I'll be posting normal things that I want to log.
Family came over today, they brought food. It was good.
I think my page is good enough for now, I’ll add some things when I see someone else’s page that I like.
Woke up at around 7:00 A.M. but took a 2-hour catnap. I'm drinking a can of Monster Energy but only because I like the taste, caffeine does nothing for me. I'll play PSO2 and watch YouTube all day (again).
7時ごろに目が覚めたのですが、2時間の仮寝をしました。 私は味が好きなのでモンスターエナジーの缶を飲んでいます、カフェインは私のために何もしません。私はPSO2をプレイして、一日中オンラインビデオを見るだけします。
Just ate a few pastries, they were good but a bit too sweet. I think it was a Taiwanese bakery or something.
私はペストリーをいくつか食べました。それらは良かったのですが、少し甘すぎました。 台湾のパン屋さんか何かから来たと思います。
Friends came over to my house unannounced. I told them to go away and they did.
友達が予告なしに私の家にやって来ました。 私は彼らに立ち去るように言いました、そして彼らはそうしました。
My dad couldn't find out the kind of fuse our fusebox used, so I found it online for him.
I haven't said much about myself, so I'll share some artists and bands I like.
Yakui The Maid
Scythe of Luna
Shinsei Kamattechan (神聖かまってちゃん)
Soutaisei Riron (相対性理論)
There are more, but I don't remember them right now.
Nobody to celebrate Valentine's day with, not fun. We also ran out of bread, this day couldn't get any worse.
Eating crackers, not doing my school work. Very stressed
Drew blood 8 times today, I've lost my mind.
私は自分自身を8回切るしました。 私は夢中だ。
I went camping two weeks ago, I had fun.
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