so ive been gone 4 a while. my last login date was may 3rd 2020 so it's been 8, almost 9, months. a lot has happened from a very rough breakup 2 a stay in a psych ward. i wont go in depth 4 now about the latter but it did help and im ok now :-) i got a windows 7 computer which is so fcking cool. also got an old TV for a project!! im going 2 try and set it up w my TV box once i acquire an appropri8 adaptor. ive been playing some VHS tapes on it ( i have a VCR player now as well ) and it rlly makes me nostalgic. did not enjoy rewinding tho lol.
anyways........ heres 2 hoping ill b around more. im so glad this website is still alive ^^ take care every1 and happy bel8d new year!
2 commentsim pretty shit at css so im sorry that my page looks rlly bad :-( shoutout to kaj 4 being a huge help tho!!
in the mean time try to bear w me as i set up everything lmao
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