Fun fact!! I actually took and edited the one above! And the one below!
Hair Dazzle
ok so hair dazzle is literally the funkiest thing ever it's like this shiny stuff you sort of tie it into your hair and it looks so cool and i thought i should share this with everyone (or like the 3 people who end up reading this, myself included) and you can literally get all the colours for a few quid on ebay and you get loads of it and it's not hard to tie in once you get the hang of it anyway it looks like this but be careful if your school is strict about these things because last year i literally had like 2 strands of the blue one in my hair and the school didn't like it (although there was literally a girl with bright purple dip dye and they said absolutely nothing to her??? not sure what was up with that) but i did manage to keep it in for like a few weeks. it stays in pretty long depending on how well you tie it like it can last weeks you can wash your hair with it and it doesn't come out when you brush it or style it but it's still pretty easy to pull out if you wanted it out
why does nobody just wear tiaras out now? where did we fail as a species? tiaras look so cool and cute on everyone and people just don't wear them? and for what? i actually ordered 2 of them recently and they've both arrived one is silver with pink gems and the other is gold with red and black gems and i am proud to announce i will be wearing them regularly! now i just have to decide which one i'm gonna wear when i go back to school
My back to school outfit
i have school on monday after being online the whole of 2021 so far so here's what i'm gonna wear (the dress code is smart but like you can pretty much just wear anything that goes with a blazer if it's not jeans or joggers or something)
for some reason i couldn't find a picture of this in the right colour but mine is a really nice lilac colour
this tiara is really pretty and it makes me feel like a princess
i don't tend to wear this blazer closed
i think these might actually be kids socks but they fit me lol
i wear these shoes all the time i got them for my school shoes in year 11 but i still wear them pretty often and yeah i'll probably wear a load of butterly themed accessories and do my nails a cute colour
Little Nightmares
here are some cool screenshots i got of little nightmares! i didn't get that many because most of the time i was too concentrated on the gameplay and forgot to take any but i still got a few
The Wolf Among Us
this is literally one of my favourite games ever telltale's art style is so cool and you get some quality conflict with other characters which is what i like to see
ok so this summer i think longer shorts are gonna come into women's fashion, like sort of mid thigh. if they don't then they'll at least come into my wardrobes because they're so cute and you also don't have to worry about as much sunburn or your ass hanging out, and best of all, POCKETS!!!! anyway here are some cool ones i've found:
ok so these are super cute they have tie dye AND a butterfly, however they only have one pocket which is sort of strange but better than nothing. these are from shein they're called tie dye butterfly embroidery sweat shorts. and because they're from shein you can pretty much cheat them out of a lot of profit if you keep checking in every day and saving up the coins and also using a voucher (the other day i got my £14 order which includes shipping down to £6 where £4 of that was shipping!). but one thing with shein is that the shipping guarantee is completely unnecessary so switch that off.
then we have this pair now i have no idea where these are actually from but they're pretty cute and they have some decent pockets by the looks of it!
these are similar to the first pair but these are from aliexpress from like 20 different sellers all at different prices and they also have like no reviews so this might be a risky purchase
these ones are a little more plain but a very nice colour so i'd probably accessorise them a bit with a belt or some chains
ok so i know they were literally all lilac and pink because those are my favourite colours but you get my point so mark my words i reckon these will be in this summer
ok so i'm thinking next winter layered socks? hear me out ok it doesn't have to look weird so i'm thinking like these but like layered underneath these?$Zoom i actually have both pairs of socks so i'll update this and tell you if it ends up looking weird but i think it could be cool if you layer fishnets underneath (i literally discovered the power of layering this winter and it's so exciting) idk i think i could be onto something
i have a bad feeling crocs might come into fashion this summer and i do not think it's a good move but you know it might actually happen because remember when everyone thought sweater vests were weird and then they came into fashion? but yeah crocs better not be a thing
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today my signed eternity in your arms album came!!! i got it off depop for £25 what a steal!
i have a chemistry test today :( wish me luck i'll tell you how it goes
UPDATE: ok i did NOT like that there was a bunch at the end that i hadn't done so i just had to guess them all really quickly i have to get some right though surely?
ok so i just tried to make mozzarella dippers but with busted doritos instead of breadcrumbs and NONE OF IT WOULD STICK omg it was so infuriating anyway i chucked what i managed to make in the freezer which is honestly just a pile of mozzarella and soggy dorito crumbs and i'm gonna cook it tomorrow
yesterday in the sims one of my sim's aspirations was public enemy and in another household the fridge was broken (in the basement with the painting slaves). so i chose the one with the lowest painting skill and got my other sim over to watch while she fixed the fridge so if it went wrong there would be something useful coming out of the situation because one of the goals for public enemy is to witness the death of another sim. obviously for my other sim to enter i had to unlock the basement doors (i locked all the others in their rooms temporarily) and i was controlling the sim who came to watch and it was like there's a fire on the lot!! and it wasn't in the basement so i was like where's this fire?? and i looked in the main house and this sim was on fire next to a bookshelf like quite some distance away from the oven which wasn't even on fire so i'm guessing she just spontaneously combusted or something? anyway my other sim got to witness the death of another sim and i ended up just replacing the fridge what an adventure
haven't really been on in the last few days because nothing's really happened but i started replaying the wolf among us but choosing silence for every option it's pretty funny
ok so i ordered this coat from skinnydip it's so cute and it was on sale for £56 which isn't too bad and i really wanted it and it came and it's very warm and fluffy and nice here it is
also my dad's redoing the kitchen so everything's kind of a mess and i found out we own a crowbar which is pretty cool
i went back to school today because we've been online for ages and i wore the outfit i said i would wear on my other blog,, and i had not one but TWO teachers tell me it's not office wear and not appropriate?? anyway i told them that yes i would wear this to the office and that looking smart is subjective. but like i have no idea where they draw the line because i've turned up before wearing a gothy tiddies out dress with fishnets, knee highs, and a big gothy hair bow and they said NOTHING,, and that was the day we had to go to church for the carol service too!! so they don't care about that kind of thing but i'm thinking maybe it was the tiara. i know the teachers are power hungry so i'm thinking they're intimidated by the slight implication of someone having power over them or maybe just me knowing my worth? and i find it very funny how the teachers who told me that have absolutely no authority to be talking about fashion by the looks of it. anyway tomorrow we are going aggressively formal we're going for white satin shirt with ruffle and a long flowy black satin skirt and a fancy looking black satin blazer and i am doing this as sort of a fuck you to them. idk if anyone actually reads these but i thought you guys should know about the absolute AUDACITY of these teachers.
i would've been going to see my favourite band today which kinda sucks but it's ok because they didn't cancel the show they just moved it to december
i finished the first danganronpa game almost 2 weeks ago and i LOVED it and apparently the second one is even better?? i'm gonna get it in a few weeks because i have exams soon and i know if i play it now i won't study but i literally can't wait
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