Hey guys!
I wanted to make this blog to say something really quick in regards to the CallMeCarson situation.
I've been a big fan of him for a long time since his fiverr, looking at cursed photos/videos came out on youtube.
I've been inactive for a hot minute because of this situation. By this point, I'm over it. I don't know if he will come back and continue to make content and I will NOT share if I will support him again or not.
However, I just wanted to make it clear that I made this myspace for satire and jokes. This myspace was a 1 hour joke when I found out he got in trouble with the charity money and he was trending on Twitter.
No I am not actually Carson
Yes I am a Carson fan
Are you going to keep this myspace? Yes, yes I am. I will keep this blog up to let people know I made this BEFORE the accusations of the other stuff came out.
I hope you all are doing well and have a good day.
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