hello ! i am sitting on my bed, and i feel a little sleepy. its only 7:40 though so im not gonna sleep !!
i like walking up my hill. its got a big river at the top !!
today i brought my little babie doggy oscar up the hill on a walk and he discovered the joys of water and splashing !!
it was real cute !!!! what a little goofster that guy is :33333333
he really liked it when i splashed water at him, and he looked real goofy >:3 he was trying to like catch the water splashes in his mouth and he had his mouth open B) i like my dog
i dont know why im really writing this post, i just like talking about my silly dog
i hope you liked my blog !!!!!!!!!!! love from thomas
this is me when domi talks to me :3 i like domimaggots
hello ! i just graduated, and now i feel all weird.
im glad school is over, but yikes i have nothing really planned for later hehe
i guess thats maybe part of the fun for me ? i'll figure out what happens later on when i get to it.
maybe im just a little uncomfortable knowing the fact that my routine has changed !!
oh well, at least i have you blob fish :33
1 commenthis name is jonny bravo and he is a jedi from mars
my cat is sitting on my bed : ) he is right beside my legs and is looking around the place !! he is in my room because its warm here B) B) B) my house has no heating, and i live in ireland so things can get very cold !! luckily i have a radiator in my room to keep me warm in the cold, and a nice comfy bed >B) i love monty :3
hes a little gargoyle though, and'll scratch you if youre bein a silly dingus >:O make sure not to insult him or he'll scratch ya !! aaaa watch out... wu oh the gargoyles looking at me... i wonder if he knows what i am typing :O i sure hope not!
sometimes i wonder if cats can understand what i say to them :3 i know they dont speak english but i still like to believe that they can understand my tone of voice and body language !! i hope monty understands it so that he feels comfy when i pet him !!!!!
im cold B) maybe i should put on socks i think i might put on socks B) i had socks on for a little while but i have the tragic tendency to take socks off after i put them on without noticing!! ok see ya later im gonna finish this blog now hohohoho
thank you for reading my blog thingy : ) have a crab!! crabby crab
im gonna watch wall-e right now >:3 its rad i like wall-e it makes me do funky snoopy dances
(its my hyper fixation methinks :o!!)
sorry for da short blog post hehehehe im too focused on watching da BEST movie (wall-e) then to write about the BEST movie (wall-e)
>:3 ok bye bye
iiiiiiiiiiim sleepy >B) but i dont wanna sleep !!!!!!!!!!!
sometimes i tend to stay up really late alot because sometimes falling asleep isnt nice for me :/
i tend to think really hard about my current situations and how i feel about certain events in my life and it keeps me awake!!
so i think ive begun to stop wanting to fall asleep :< because alot of the time falling asleep is the hardest part of the day for me
but it is ok, ive been feeling alot nicer recently and sleeping has been getting easier and easier !! :]
i think the things going on my life were really discombobulating for a little while until recently, but ive been feeling better about alot of things and about myself lately and im very glad B) anyways i am gonna stop typing now because i have ran out of things to type !!
thank you for reading my little blog post >:3
here you go as a little present, a deer !!
sorry for the nightmares you'll have after seeing this... :/
3 commentsbing bong bing bong!!!!!!!!! if you're reading this then hello >B) >B) >B)
im very tired and its 3:52 in the morning for me >B) i am going to ramble more because i want to heehaheheahehehoehohoehoehe
i like french :3 its such a lovely language!! i am exempt from it in school because i find it difficult to learn languages, but none the less if it was easier for me i would really try and learn it!!!!!!!!!
i like how it sounds i dunno how to describe it... it just makes me relaxed!!!!!!!!!!!!
one day maybe i would like to live in france or maybe italy :o im not one for putting expecations on my future so early in my life but i dont know i think that those places would be a very nice place to live at some point in the future :]
now im gonna press the 'post' button down below >B) oh boyyyy!! ima press it.... i cant wait to do so maybe....... ima press that button and then do a little rain dance for the dieties above so that the clouds can part tonight and i can see the mooooon..... that'd be nice :3 :3 outside is just a buncha dark but it might just be because i have my light on :o ima check if i can take a peek at the moon :o nooo i cant :< thats a shame!!!! the moon's taking a break
anyways night night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i made a neat little pattern >:3 look at it go!! wow
i am listenin to music and kickin my feet along to da songs >B)
outside is all dark and spooooky...... i wonder if whacky ghosts are lurking................................................................................................................................................................................................
they probably are :/ why dont people hang out with ghosts more? like i mean in stories and stuff why do the ghosts decide to be all angry and scary to people!! i could understand why they'd wanna mess with people it must be pretty boring being dead and all but i dunno if i was a ghost and somebody stumbled into my lair i'd wanna like tell em what ive been up to floatin about the place or play mario kart with them or somefin :/ they must be very loney
if there are any whacky ghosts reading this then know that if you decide to haunt me because you're lonely know i'll be ok with it B)
as a thank you for reading my silly little rambles, have a fish with a silly nose :)