yo im like moving accounts, i hate this username and i cant change it so yeah. the css is an old one i used to have imma change it soon. i might login to this account every once and a while but i wont accept friend request on this account so add my new account. so yeah
new account
i noticed a lot of people on here post their insta so i thought i should too
if you decide to message me on insta please tell me youre from here and your myspace name so i how you are
i dont post i kinda just vibe with friends on there
1 commentdamn to think madoka magica came out 10 years today. pff its funny to think im only around 5 years older that it. it was one of my first anime so i have a special place in my heart for it. and since it's the anime that got me into anime you can imagine my favorite genre. anyways glad to see it still holds up as a great anime not matter how edgy it is lol
1 commenty-yo first blog of the year, nice
anyways the purpose of this blog is to post my anime list is so here
i know some of you have entered the new year called 2021 but its only 8:15 for me so i got time. i want to wish you all a happy new year, i hope this year is better for you than the last. some of use have had worst year than some others but all your pain is valid, dont people tell you that what your going through isn't as bad as others so you cant be depressed. everyone gets to be sad, or upset. i know i dont know most of you but i'm here if you need to vent, and dont worry i'm not going to use anything you tell me against you cause that just pure evil. and though i'm not the best human, i would never even think about doing that. anyways this got depressing, i just wanted to say i hope this year is better that 2020 was for you all. even if i dont know you, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
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