theres alot people on this site since i joined around 2,000 people um well those were the good ol day when yeah i drank all the rum again. gosh dang my account looks sad
2 commentsthe rum has run dry I don't know where it is anymore can you umm... help
but in all honesty, who am i kidding I don't know her, going on my page genuinely makes me sad. i know this may be a little too much to ask for, but can someone drop by the comments every now and then.
should I start a new crew?
who wants to join?
my requirements:
you have to have at least one skill;please list it/them
you need a really good reason
two you must state under your profile that you are in my crew(this isn't asking for a lot i just wanna see someone say they're in my crew my confidence is non-existent and i need something to try and bring it up, sorry)
Hello, as a captain I have come to the conclusion I need a crew. I have recruited a few individuals who have asked and I would like to have a full fledged crew now. If you are willing and are up to the position please comment and say so.
~Captain Jack
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If I'm too drunk to know if the rum is gone, and no one else knows if the rums gone, then is the rum really gone?
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