$0 4 f3w d4yz 4g0 my b3$t!3 w4s 0n th3 914y$t4t!0n w!th h3r 6uy fr!3nd 4nd ! m3nt!0n3d my w3!6ht (!m +$!z3d) 4nd h3 $4!d s0m3th!n6 (! c0u1dnt h34r h!m bc sh3 w4s t41k!n6 t0 h!m thru h34d90n3z) 4nd $h3 start3d l4u6!n6 4nd t01d h!m t0 $hutu9, !dk !f !ts my 0v3rth!nk!n6 but ! f331 1!k3 th3y wh3r3 l4ugh!n6 4t/4b0ut m3, 4nd t0d4y $h3 w4z t41k!n6 t0 4 d!f p3rson, th3y wh3r3 l4u6h!n6 410t 4nd ! f31t s0rt4 13ft 0ut, th3n ! m3nt!0nd !t wh!l3 t4lk!n6 4b0ut c10th3z 4nd h3r 4nd h3r fr!3nd $t4rt l4u6h!n6 4nd $h3 t311z h!m t0 $hutu9 4nd $4yz "your not funny" th3n ! g3t 4 t3xt fr0m h!m 0n !n$t4 $ay!ng "me and --- are trying to play minecraft leave her alone" ! $4!d k 4nd hun6u9 4nd cr!3d 4nd sh3 k3pt c411!n6 m3 ! s4!d t0 l34v3 m3 4l0n3 and f!n411y $a!d "I dont think imma tak to you while your playing the game bc you laugh with your friends and i overthink" $h3 $4!d "ok love you gn" 0r s0mth!n6, th3n i s33 s0m3th!n6 0n my t!kt0k fyp th4t r3m!nd3d m3 0f my 4ss4u1t3r 4nd br0k3 d0wn. !m $0 t!r3d,,,
$0 t0d4y 4ft3r sk001 ! w3nt t0 t0wn w!th my m0mmy, (y3s ! $t!ll c411 h3r m0mmy) 4nd w3 w3nt t0 t4c0 b3ll 4nd 60t f00d, th3n w3 w3nt t0 g3t 4 w4$h3r, $0m3 h0m3l3$$ gurl c4m3 u9 t0 m3 4nd 4$k3d f0r m0n3yz, ! g4v3 h3r s0m3 ch4ng3 th3n 4ft3r $h3 w4lk3d 4w4y ! r3m3b3rd th4t ! st!11 h4d a t4c0! ! f33l r3411y b4d! w3 w3nt t0 th3 st0r3 (m3 4nd my m0mmy) 4nd sh3 60t m3 a r3411y c001 m00n l4m9 th4t ch4ng3s c0l0rz, 0r30 90cky$, $tr4wb3rry 90cky$,4 p!n4 c0l4d4 c4ndy c4n3, 4 w4t3rm3l0n c4ndy c4n3, $ p34c3 t34 4nd 4 m0n$t3r!
m 4nd my m0m g0t 4l0ng t0day (v3ry r4r3) 4nd 0n1y 4r6u3d 0nc3, 4nd n3!th3r 0f u$ cr!3d. S0 !t w4$ 4 9r3tty g00d d4y!
MY $T3PD4D B0UT TH0SE $4U$463 TH!N6$ W!TH BR34D 4R0UND TH3M 4ND D0NUT$ F#CK!N6 D3L!$H 😩😩😩
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