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conspiracy_mushroom's Blog

"Mushrooms? God. "
15 years old
United States
Last Login: 1620759449000
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regarding a message

i think i deleted someones message
idk what it said but if you see this you can send me another one.
idk who sent it either

sorry my dude, this world is unforgiving, and this website is hard to use

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been a hot minute huh?

its been a while hm?
in the time i haven't posted i had my birthday,a covid scare, and another dream about god.
also went back to school, and I have to say,,, I hate highschool so fuckin much. No one will talk to me. I think its cause of the trenchcoat i wear, but its probably just my personality. I have like three friends i only see in certain classes.
Saint motel bops
hhh preformed a ritual in the woods.
i did tech for my school's musical because i was too scared to audition. the premiere is on wednesday.

school ends in four weeks. i need a job.

god was a woman, in my dream this time. She seems nice.

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I met god once. In a dream
I was in the mystery shack or sumthing and a glowing white orb showed up and was like "Yo, I'm god, you can ask one question."

and I said "okay dude, how about this. hows it pronounced?"

"gif or jif."
"thats a stupid ass question to ask me, i'm god, you can literally ask me anything."
"answer it."
"fine, jif"
"k thatks jod" and then he struck me down where i stood, my hubris failing me. and yet, i still live. so until that bastard finally says its gif, im not dying.

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Potato recipe

If you're like me, you're a busy piece of shit. I mean, I barely have time to dream! this potato recipe is quick easy and good. but first, a little background. People love talking about having shower thoughts, deep thoughts they have in the shower. I've never had them before, I'd think that's cause I spend so much time with my head empty. My brain doesn't scramble to fill in any blank space, so I don't have any weird thoughts connecting. But cooking the potatoes acts as a shower. so thats when I have my deep thoughts. they aren't good thoughts, like for instance, I was thinking about how people are gonna need to abbreviate years like they do for A.E.C and B.E.C. I don't know what they'd be. something with corona probably. or like what makes a person alive. Oh sure, you're breathing n shit, but being alive is more to do with your soul. without it you're just animated. but then what is a soul? the definition is spotty. I'd think a soul isn't your heart, but your heartbeats. not your brain firing random neurons, but the thoughts that are created from such. people's souls are their personality and personhood. If the world were fair, we'd all have perfect souls. we'd all think good things and not really want to hurt others, right? Or maybe a fair world is somehow worse then this one. that is what school teached me anyhow.
Three potatoes.
chicken bouillon.
onion powder.
lemon juice.
Combine in a pan with oil. cook until tender. enjoy.

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how to end the world, part 2

if you were hoping to go out with a bit more ~pizazz~, then i have two other options.
over the course of several paranoid years, manipulate every world leader into believing the people are going to revolt and have them murder their own nations. of course then the world leaders will survive, but you've been training in mmo. beat them up. done, now you have the whole world to yourself.

  1. just. give the lunatics at Qanon weapons. they'll kill everyone whos not them and then die, cause they killed all the women.

  2. (Bonus)
    dont intervene in whats happening right now. god we're all gonna die.

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end of the world

i burnt my tongue on my hot chocolate so today im gonna tell you how to end the world.
first things first, you'd need a position of power, or someone in a position of power you can manipulate. ideally you'd need several of these, in different countries. the best place to take hold of? the US.
secondly, convince your puppets and or the cult of followers you've accrued that the rest of the world is against them. Scare them. Brainwash them if you must. but the important bit is the fear.
once these people are rightly scared out of their minds, start coaxing them to raise defenses. make some weapons. who knows who could attack? if you yourself are in power, just make them yourself. you will need to convince the rest of the people who surround you that this is a good idea. if you've already replaced all of them with people you trust, you should be good.
the last step? easy. fire the nukes. preferably at the same time, so that you can get as many people at the same time. the radiation will kill most survivors of the original blast. now you've ended the world. congrats! the process will take several years so plan ahead.
anyway my hot chocolate cooled down. tasty

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Alternate Universes

they exist and i will go down in my grave fighting for it. and not only do they exist, there are thin spots between universes. sometimes people and things from those worlds show up here. occasionally people get stuck here. I think its because we're in between two worlds people are trying to get to. maybe something happened in one. maybe they don't want to tell us how to jump between AUs because we'll probably kill everyone there. anyways, still paranoid of going outside!!

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Momster emergy

Ive never had one and i dont know any flavors, whats a good one so when i go to my gas station i can look for it???
i need a multitude so i can get at least one.
maybe they wont even have monster.
christ im never getting out of the house am i? i did it once, met a cute dog too, but i went to hobby lobby, not a gas station.
theres so much more that could go wrong. and last time i went out people looked at me weird. that might've been the makeup. it was probably the makeup.
oh well good monster flavors in the comments pleaseeee

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Where to draw the line

Religions and cults. What's the difference? Ask a 13 year-old atheist and they'll say that there is no difference. And you might think that too. But why would we have the word if it meant the same thing? Even synonyms have differences. Religions, I think, are less restrictive. They let you leave, they promote love, and they hopefully don't encourage any form of s3lf h@rm. Religion is a loser concept, it shouldn't restrict anyone. Cults? Cults are strict. They enforce an Us v.s. Them mentality, forcing people from their family and friends. They give stiff rules. You break a rule and there's a harsh punishment. You can't leave, unless you really move it. The most important difference is the idea of blind trust. If there's a leader who expects you to do what they say, it's a cult. Think drinking the koolaid. Religion doesn't have leaders. Religion and spirituality should be for you, about you, and helping you. But cults can hide under these ideas too. Mlms are a form of cult, if you really think about it. In reality, it's hard to tell. You should always be cautious. Do not trust anyone blindly. Always keep your skepticism sharp.

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mushroom church DOC


Do you want to join the mushroom church? Do you want o be a shroomian? then please help me write things down on this doc.
if you have songwriting experience, witchcraft knowledge, or ideas for this religion, then please feel free to write it down!

(anything inappropriate will be deleted.)

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