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Jazz's Blog

"Good Grief."
16 years old
United States
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All Blogs (3/10)

I feel so old

I am not old... But I feel old on this website. So many people who are not yet even in high school. A little concerning, when taking into consideration their... Eh... "Flowery language..." But then again, I suppose I was that way, too, when I was 13. I swore and I thought I was so badass for it. I thought like I was a top tier rebel, so, so long ago... I feel alienated on this site, but I guess cottagecore folks got me. The visuals here tend to get... Harsh. Not a bad thing, but you start to see so much of it that it no longer becomes "alternative," or "different." That's okay.

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Infographic homework of which I dread.


Do you think that my infographic illustration of the path on fire indicating that you shouldn't "go there" is too easy, or should I have gone with the thunderstorm? lol.

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Oh boy!

I didn't know you could blog... Well, here I am. Hello to anybody who is reading this! I'm still working on my page... I have never used ccs before. My mom used to make websites using ccs, so perhaps she'll have some help. She used to keep up a website for an old comic convention. That's pretty cool. Good for her!

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