This is just the oc that my profile is themed after:
Full Name: Vizerion
Nicknames: The Lord of All Unholy Gifts, Djinn, The seeker.
Creepypasta Name: Vizerion
Age: About 10,000
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Heterosexual.
Status: Practically Immortal (can only be truly killed by holy weapons).
Occupation: Explorer, Scholar, Socialite, Entrepreneur.
Faction: Sometimes Hell, but mostly unaffiliated with any specific group.
Place in Faction: Aristocrat
Basic Personality: An Ambitious and Determined Demon. Cannot lie directly so he frequently misleads or withholds information. Kind of lonely but will not admit it.
Bad Traits: Cruel, Condescending, Manipulative.
Good Traits: Honest, Intelligent, Takes Care of his friends.
Likes: Making Deals, collecting things (Favors Owed, Objects of Value, Power, Knowledge), living high class, outsmarting others.
Dislikes: Losing, Obeying, Messes.
Fears: God, Esteragos.
Hobbies: Exploring, Visiting notable beings.
Mental/Emotional Strengths: Tactics, Social Situations, Learns Fast.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Gambling,
Height: 7’6
Weight: Undefinable
Body Type: Ectomorph
Race/Species: Fallen Angel/ Demon
Skin tone: Pale Grey almost white.
Hair: None
Eye color: Red and Black
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings/Birthmarks: Necronomicon Sigil on head.
Clothing: Whatever is in fashion for men at the time. Currently a Suit, Red trim, Red undershirt.
Accessories: Briefcase and/or Cane.
Any other noticeable features: Monstrous Face.
Weapons: Can conjure melee weapons or use an item from his collection if he has brought the item.
How they typically kill: Different Every Time, likes to make it interesting.
Targets: Any sentient being.
Powers/Special Abilities: A general assortment of demonic tricks. Short Range Teleportation (Long Range takes about 10 minutes concentration), Shapeshifting, Several Forms of Sorcery, Pyrokinesis, Telepathy.
Physical Weaknesses: Would eventually succumb to physical attacks by a powerful enough enemy. Cannot Directly Lie, Cannot Break Oaths, Holy Items, Mistletoe.
Parents: Was created by god as an angel.
Siblings: Other angels/ Demons
Friends: Has Hundreds of associates he calls friends spread across the world. Is somewhat known to Zalgo through gaterings they have both attended.
Enemies/Rivals: Heavenly Forces, Esteragos
BACKSTORY: One of the Angels cast from heaven during the rebellion, Vizerion has moved on from the old war with the angels. He has spent the last several millennium interacting a great deal with humanity, inspiring tales of Djinn and deals with the devil. During one of his escapades involving some very Lovecraftian beings, he woke an ancient horror from a time before the reign of God that will not rest until he is dead. But this beast by the name of Esteragos is not a holy creature, and cannot use holy items, so it is therefore only capable of destroying his body, which it manages to do on occasion. Vizerion does his best to avoid interaction with Esteragos, as it is still extremely painful to lose a body a drain a great deal of energy to reform. Vizerion has only once managed to discorporate Esteragos, and it recovered twice as fast as he would have. In modern times Vizerion has become very interested in alternative forces. Supernatural beings who draw their power from neither Heaven nor Hell. He has long wished to throw off his connection to the Infernal Regions without becoming mortal and hopes to use the source used by these beings as a substitute. So far, he has only found ways to connect objects and animals with this force using long and painful experimentation, creating twisted monstrosities.
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