i have a vague memory of this game i used to play when i was much younger of this man that would run from monkeys throwing coconuts at him. it was like a pixelated game, and not pixelated as in stardew valley or terraria pixelated, pixelated as in the shapes were so simple but you could tell what everything was, kind of like slightly more detailed stickmen.
there were palm trees too, where the monkeys would hang from and throw coconuts and bananas and stuff.
it was a fun little game but i can't for the life of me remember what it was called.
i really doubt anyone will know what i'm talking about since i couldn't even find the game on google and google has practically everything, but that's okay, it's just been on my mind for a while now and i thought i'd share.
10 commentsthis blog will be used for something but you don't know what for
i am currently hacking the mainframe
3 commentswhen you want to write a blog but you don't know what to write a blog about
>i want to write blog but i don't know what to write blog about
heheh relatable amirite guys
[also, sorry mates, i forgot to say, i wrote my book review about a month ago but decided not to post it because i felt it was too long and too rambly, so sorry about that ;( no book review]
9 commentsthat's uhh that's pretty wack ahaha. very wack. possibly the wackiest? wack nonetheless. very wacky.
lmao get rekd you dummy
6th of may 2021 edit: i am currently working on my css all alone! no templates or anything. hoping i'll get better at it soon. either way, go check out the people i credit on here cos they're pretty awesome
13 of may 2021 edit: I have no motivation and no ideas 4 css lol maybe some other time.
i'd like to thank Jaden Desmond for the css template, honestly i wouldn't have been able to do much cool stuff without it
i would like to thank utf-16 for the view counter ! very cool
and thanks to death_by_penis for the topleft::after feature !
i just wanna say that some of the css on my page is my own so i'm not entirely a rat, merely a mouse.
i am learning to do css still (without help of templates) so yeah i try to learn in my spare time, hopefully i'll do something cool looking soon with my page layout without using other people's templates lol
ight that's it
have a good one everybody