I miss quite a lot of things. The lack of inhibitions, my old iPod, YouTube at the time, this one Sonic toy I borrowed from a friend that was super lanky but had tons of articulation, picking up cool rocks at the schoolyard then taking them home to use them to play catch with my dog. Being a kid was pretty neat. Dunno how good kids got it now, though.
Either some dumb motivational quote like "Whether things are good or bad, the world keeps spinning and the clock keeps ticking, so keep trying" or the dumbest shit I could think of at the spot, just because I think it'd be pretty funny to waste this chance like that.
Honestly, a nice li'l suburban house would be ideal. Nothing fancy, just a cozy home with a nice yard. Ideally I'd get a nice audio system for it so I can play nice music through the house whenever I'd feel like, too.
There really isn't a lot to that story. Basically there's this small plaza that has most of the retail stores and the movie theater, and there's a McDonald's on the other side of the plaza that's about less than a minute away on car. Me and my friends decide to go to the movies one day, but a bunch of little things went wrong and we were going late. I left my house without eating due to the rush, so I told the friend driving to stop by McDonald's real quick to pick something up. Since we were going late and there wasn't enough time to eat it on the way, I told them I'd stuff it into my jacket and eat it during the movie. They thought I was joking, and I was, but we WERE in a hurry and in my mind at the time it was too silly to NOT do it, so I did it.
Tough question, but I think I'll take city life. Rural life is nice and calm, I'll give it that, but living in the city has a bunch of conveniences we tend to take for granted. At least where I live, having a rural home also means having to drive considerably longer to get anything done depending on how rural you wanna go, and I really mean anything. It's a minor issue but it's enough to make city life my preferred choice
7 commentsSo many questions...
The seasons aren't very pronounced where I live, it's like summertime all year long. If I really had to pick, it'd probably be fall, with all the orange leaves and shit. It always seemed so cozy to me. Close second would be winter, but that's more about the holidays than the actual season; also I've never dealt with snow so winter might actually suck bulldick
It's a tie between H pencils, 2B pencils, and the standard HB. H pencils are light and great for sketching, 2B are darker and good for shading, while HBs are just balanced. I bet you thought this would get a joke answer, didn't ya?
Whatever's down there in the deep blue sea, and I mean DEEP blue sea. Seriously, nothing has made me feel more queasy than finding out that creepy ass anglerfish from Finding Nemo was real, and that there's more equally scary looking creatures down there. They're fucking eldritch abominations, those deep sea creatures.
Saturn. Don't know much about it but it seems nice enough. It has those cool rings and a Sega console was named after it, so it's probably the coolest choice.
Either caramel pecan or pistachio. There was this one Snicker's ice cream bar that I had once as a kid that tasted really good, though. When I had it again for the second time, it wasn't as good, but if it counts then my memory of that first Snicker's ice cream bar would be my favorite ice cream
I've only had Bounty once in my life so I can't really say much about it. I'm not picky with my chocolates, but I guess Toblerones are pretty good. Don't buy them often but everytime I do I wish I did
Eggs. I was gonna say chicken and waffles but then I realized that my cholesterol would get higher than the Empire State, and I'd get some fat on me too. Eggs are versatile and don't actually raise your cholesterol as much as people say. Eggs are the supreme breakfast food.
Fancy Pants and Super Mario 63. Honorable mentions to Ultimate Sonic Flash, Mario Kombat and whatever the fuck I used to play on Newgrounds
Snot green... or beige. I don't really care what my car looks like as long as it works and it's got a CD/Cassete player.
I usually travel light so I'll just hold my stuff. I'll take the bag if I ever need it, though
I pick Persona 3's OST to be my
I might try and meet them at some point, but first I'd need to meet somebody that's met them before, or at least somebody that knows somebody that's met them. I've got some doubts though, since I'm a fairly clean guy.
Depends... It's usually too overpowering but with an additional topping and with the right sauce it's edible. Wouldn't really order it ever, though
Might as well hop on this fad, too. Gimme some questions, anything's fine but don't be afraid to send some oddball stuff my way; those usually make things more interesting
9 commentsBlack.
My heart's fine, if not a little cold. My head's been a bit cluttered and foggy though.
Dunno but hopefully it's not what I'm currently doing now (nothing)
I think 2. In a few hours it'll bump up to three. Wonder what's the most amount of shirts somebody has worn in recorded history...
No, it's usually funny so I don't mind
The fuck do I need slippers for?
Right now, nothing. A few days ago it had a CD of Loveless that I burned
Haven't owned a DVD player in years. If I did, it'd probably have Spider-Man 2 on it.
Time is fake, I don't own a calendar.
It's never cold in Puerto Rico, baby B(
Maybe I'll get the Joestar birthmark if I ever get buff. I doubt it, though.
Yeah, 2 sisters
Probably my PC and my PS2. Now that I've got FMCB I've been squeezing what little life remains outta that old PS2 slim.
Either rutabaga or fuck. I will not elaborate.
Probably "I guess". My speech pattern's too erratic to really say, though. "...,though" is also a strong contender
Yo momma. Just kidding, it's actually my momma.
Both are good but I've definitely got a bias towards rap. Those underground artists are something else.
man FUCK iron man, tin can motherfucker. Spidey's my homeboy.
Tough choice. Bill can play a mean sax, but Obama got that sick killstreak in the Middle East. No comment for now.
Honey's cute. Baby only feels right for anybody except my S/O.
Stupid question. Blue.
points gun at head Which came first: Ranch or Cool Ranch?
Mouse. Touch pad is for hooligans and ne'r-do-wellers
It depends.
It depends, but in italics
This was fun. You guys should do this too. See ya.
9 commentsHey guys, this blog's gonna be a lot more straightforward than the long-winded rambles my blogs usually are. In spirit of spooky month I wanna ask you guys for any horror movies/games/books/shows/whatever you'd recommend! Though I'm not exactly a horror genre buff or anything like that, I'll share some of my own recommendations so this isn't a one-sided affair:
*This rec is kinda hit and miss. The first one's got a great start but fizzles out, and the second one's a lot more thriller/suspense and less horror. I liked what they were going for with these movies but they're not for everyone
seriously tho, i'm curious. i had this idea crop up in my head last night and i'd thought it'd be fun
if you couldn't already tell by the taskbar being broken at the bottom right, this is actually Windows 10! As a little project, I decided to give my pc a bit of a nostalgic makeover. Fortunately, it didn't take much effort to find the WinXP wallpapers in a reasonable resolution. It took a bit more, however, to actually find both an XP Luna skin that didn't completely break in Win10 as well as a skin app that could apply it; And don't even get me started on the tedious process of applying the appropriate soundfont. Yes, i even got it to sound like WinXP!
Well, it was all to commemorate the old family PC. Simple as that. That old hunk of junk kicked the bucket years ago, but I still remember learning all I know about the internet through it. Couldn't just leave it as a distant memory, so I had it live on through my current PC
Feel free to ramble on about your own desktops in the comments! I'd like to hear the stories behind them, if there is any to them that is.
guys u won't believe this, but...
lemme get some yahoos in the comments, people
8 commentsrecently i was thinking about myspace while doing homework; not in the "man, i wanna use myspace" kinda way but the "wow, that site is cool" kinda way. i kept thinking about the rather diverse set of people who use the site, and how it gives us users the tools to customize our page any way we choose provided you have the know-how. but then that got me thinking...
For me personally it's always been about curiosity. Finding out this was, in fact, an actual site with active members and not just some cute gimmick on Win93 immediately piqued my interest. Whenever I log on, I always spend at least a few minutes clicking random just to see what I stumble upon. Whether it's finding a page with some cool theming/ css editing I hadn't seen before, finding a potential friend, finding a fresh new account and seeing how they go about customizing their page, or stumbling upon some fucking weirdo talking about random shit like burrito history in their blog for some reason, it's usually something interesting to me IMO.