HeWO My loVELy PeoplE!! I CAN FUckIng See MushROOMs and FairIes! XD I WIsH I Couldd Always Be FEel Llike this All THEEE BlooDy Tome!
2 commentsDAMN! i was not able to move for 40 min straight , my eyes were so fucking red, my head was in so many different places, my bestfriend called me then I hung up on him, he kept calling me and calling me and calling me!! I would not pick up the phone and then i finally did. HE was crying and so worried about me that he came over to my place just to hold and and tell me that everything was ok and that everything is going to be ok. I was so happy when he did not just call me but then cam eto my house and just stood at my door and ran up to me and picked me up and we were both just crying our eyes out! But I is good now Ig, just bored and listening to some music waiting for my peeps to talk to me
2 commentsim bored and tired as hell, but i cant sleep for shit. I wanna talk to some peeps but I think ya'll are scared of me.
3 commentsim hella weird but chill as hell at the same time. im kinda one of those chicks that will smoke with you and not really give drama attention.
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