everyone and their mother has heard of Interview with the Vampire and Dracula and Twilight but like...where's all the books about emo vampires???
i wanna do a book about vampires in the modern age, like vampires that were all about myspace and MCR and sidekicks and AIM but like...how do i do that in a way that isn't forced?
all the ideas i've come up with just seem like ripoffs of Jennifer's Body (best movie btw). like how iconic would it be to have a book about two vampire girls who are culturally stuck in the late 2000s?
i already have a fantasy novel and a series of southern gothic short stories that are sitting in Google Docs purgatory, i need to get back into writing ASAP.
while we're on the subject i miss READING. but my ADD and constant need for new stimuli won't let me read lmaoooo
rip my creativity
1 commenti h8 my neighborhood, i h8 how it's the top floor so it's always fckin sweltering hot, i h8 my RUDE neighbors who think they're allowed to blast their shitty trap at full volume just bc it's daylight out, i h8 how half the outlets don't work, i h8 how i can't go out at night bc i'll probs get kidnapped, i h8 how i can't go out during the day bc of crackheads, i HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE my apartment :)
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