Hello, readers.
I am moving my fingers to conduct this blog post.
This post contains information about my newfound love for Sofia Tomlinson.
It is not new.
You see, dear reader, I accidentally dumped Sofia. She then started dating Derek..
You may remember him from my blog post earlier today -- the man I plan to murder.
I might not be successful in this, but as former Apple CEO once said, "It's the thought that counts."
He died of cancer.
Isn't that nice? Well. Anyways -- that is off-topic.
YOU reading this are invited to my wedding.
Just shoot me a message! (Don't actually shoot me, that would hurt, a lot)
See you there (hopefully)!
Oh -- one more thing!
There's this ugly twat named Devin. He is extremely ugly. He's also very ugly. Did I say that already?
Well, I hate him. He has ruined my life.
He is a pussy. He keeps leaving the land of barbz.
What a loser.
Attention wh0re.
A no-good, dirty freak who deserves to rot in Hell..
Is that extreme to say?
You may think so.
That is fine by me.
It's just a stupid thought you have.
Sorry about that.