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tampon's Blog

"feral bastard lesbian on the loose"
16 years old
Last Login: 1623280150000
Contacting tampon
All Blogs (10/10)

Tampon's Ted Talk- Politics

now, i'm not usually one to get into this discussion on social media, but seeing what's going on right now, i couldn't just not say anything. specifically, i'm talking about two things: violence against asians and the 97%. as an afab asian, this all is directly affecting me. i am utterly appalled at how little action is taken against these two things. lots of media is getting pushed out to spread the word, but it's being circulated in such a way that it isn't reaching the people that either can contribute to the effort or need to be educated on what's currently happening. i'm glad that so many people are spreading the word but i know for a fact that not nearly as many people that are sharing are actually making an effort to change what's happening, and part of that is because it's being spread on platforms mainly dominated by teenagers who are too young to do things such as sign petitions or contribute money to a cause. and in the 97% movement, you can actually physically see how few men give a shit about what's happening. the people who need to be educated on what's happening with sexual harassment are not going to see the content they need to because they are actively avoiding interacting with creators who make it.
that's my two cents, since there's a character cap on here


what you and harrison said are completely true. this world is just so awful.


i know it absolutely enrages me how something as huge as this just gets written off because it "twitter cringe" or something, I'm so sick of people putting stigma on positive things just because young people like it or support it like trigger warnings and putting mental illnesses in bios stuff that could really help society but NO just because so teenage girls did it now its "cringe". im so fucking sick of the internet
