i have a rat called Lovecraft,and she's so-
i wanna take her on my hand and she runs back into her cage,or i buy her toys and she just hides behind them or hides them,she does climb on this one thingy though so at least that.
idk why she is like that,maybe bc she didnt get raised with other rats bc i didnt find any anywhere,but i took her out of the cage often back then and she didnt mind.maybe she's naturally shy?can rats be shy or just...calm or feral?
...ok i checked,they CAN be shy.
well,i found some rats from a farm...breeding...whatever,i found a place where i could buy some,i think i'll get like 3 or 2
what do you think?will they get along?
omgggg i want a pet rat theyre so cuteeee