"the smartest feller that happens to be a fart" Ex-President
101 years old
Last Login:
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so basically i killed a man back in '06 and i'm not afraid to do it again. he was really pissing me off and started making fun of me by calling me "stupidfungus" and so i punched him in the head and chopped off his penis. he died from blood loss in the hospital three hours later. i mean, stupidfungus?? is that the best he could come up with. i really hated that guy. also he was a capitalist so thats why I am a communist. i <3 frogs
fellow anarcho-nazbols
fuck tom all my homies hate tom
ben fung
why are you so mean to tom D:
i want to end his life with a stab
i hate tom so fucking much
fuck you tom