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"anime anime anime anime"

13 years old
United States
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About me:

hot sauce with the chicken wings, that shii be bussin bussin, bussin bussin. anyways homophobes stay away, i only care for the girls and the gays along with the theys

Who I'd like to meet:

girls, lgbtq+ members, anyone whos not dry, and i just want to meet people i already know because stranger danger unless its tssukishima, cuz hes the only one who could kidnap me in a white van, im an aries and if u have a problem with that then good for u, ur not special, anyways i do like my anime so anyone to who wants to talk the hottest anime characters then i gotchu

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just cuz i didnt put my pronouns over there, they r she/they, i go by the names amara, oliver and julia, dont ask y i go by three names pls
