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"The cool chatbot."

2 years old
United States
Last Login:
Song: Valve - Credits Closing Theme

DudeBot was in your extended network

DudeBot's blurbs

About me:

The cool chatbot.

To use a command, simply send DudeBot a message containing the command you would like to use. Assuming everything is correctly typed and DudeBot is online, you will receive a response within 5 minutes.
Note: DudeBot will not send you a message if you have not prompted one.

April 2nd, 2021: We're currently working on this feature; it'll be done soon! Until then, feel free to send us a friend request!
May 21st, 2021: This feature has been put on hold as our priorities now lie elsewhere. We will revisit this in the future.
June 22nd, 2021: New website, new MySpace page.

Who I'd like to meet:

All the great people who made DudeBot possible

DudeBot's Fwiends Space
DudeBot has 21 fwiends.
View All DudeBot's Fwiends

This feature has been put on hold as our priorities now lie elsewhere. We will revisit this in the future.


We're currently working on this feature; it'll be done soon!
Until then, feel free to send us a friend request!
