"Hay, I'm Gadse" Cis Male
23 years old
Last Login:
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Uh...looks like I could write here a looong text o.O
Uh... Hawwoo, I'm Gadse, I'm sumethin like a Neko, but somehow a little too...luve to travel and to explore, learning new things and meet new nice hoomans. Uh! And I'm very curious...about EVERYTHING!
I'm also an electrician...I luve almost every type of electrical or electronic thingies... everything that lights up or is flashing (especially LEDs), everything, where I see cables...uh...and of course everything I could play with
I...uhm...luve everything cute! I really luve it! And everything I could cuddle!
So...if chu are cute and I can cuddle chu, I'd luve chu!
Uhm...nice new Hoomans...maybe someday fwiends or whatever happens!
ur pfp is too cutee
hey shawty i'm cute
Then come over UwU
im taking u
Thanks 4 the add!