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9 years old
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fat balls

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eli accept my freind rec pelase

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Just a small vent. My bf doesn't wanna be my CG.
:( he supports it but doesnt want to be involved. I tried to push this part of me aside for so long but I got reminded of my ex who was my cg and I miss those times. I was lucky enough that all 3 of my exes were my CGs and I'm grateful but I dont get that anymore, and I miss having that side of me. :(


Just a small vent. My bf doesn't wanna be my CG.
:( he supports it but doesnt want to be involved. I tried to push this part of me aside for so long but I got reminded of my ex who was my cg and I miss those times. I was lucky enough that all 3 of my exes were my CGs and I'm grateful but I dont get that anymore, and I miss having that side of me. :(


Just a small vent. My bf doesn't wanna be my CG.
:( he supports it but doesnt want to be involved. I tried to push this part of me aside for so long but I got reminded of my ex who was my cg and I miss those times. I was lucky enough that all 3 of my exes were my CGs and I'm grateful but I dont get that anymore, and I miss having that side of me. :(


Just a small vent. My bf doesn't wanna be my CG.
:( he supports it but doesnt want to be involved. I tried to push this part of me aside for so long but I got reminded of my ex who was my cg and I miss those times. I was lucky enough that all 3 of my exes were my CGs and I'm grateful but I dont get that anymore, and I miss having that side of me. :(
