"I'm not reclaiming it, I'm using it as a slur ^^" Transformer
100 years old
United States
Last Login:
1612370930000 |
Pronouns: They/Bun/Its
Liekz: Art, emo shawdies, gyarus, womanism, menism, just equal rights in general LOLS, Punk riot ghoul music, some hyperpop, saying XD, goth music, sleeping, tiddies lol, and more ofcz
Disliekz: Trumpers, a lot of things actually, bigots, racist, homophobes, transphobes, crying, people who h8 hairless cats
I'm a minor lol
Dis: professor cuminme#0001
I like women
My insta is v4mp1ss
My names rio
I play minecraft a lot so if you wanna play eyebrows eyebrows
more neurodivergent peeeps
fat ass O/////////O
Thanks 4 the add!