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"It's the sweet scent of death... Your death."

18 years old
United Kingdom
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Song: Flameheart

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gyoroppy's blurbs

About me:

A ship approaches... I see you, little vessel.
Before you lies the vanguard of my fleet...
Spectral vessels that I have summoned from the Sea of the Damned itself!
When my armada is assembled, we shall burn our way across the Sea of Thieves...
...obliterating anyone who dares stand against us.
I suggest you turn back now and savour the time you have left.
Unless, that is, you wish to experience the true might...
...of Captain Flameheart!

Who I'd like to meet:

Why have you chosen to stand against me?
Do you believe that you are more deserving than I?
Better-suited to impose your will upon the seas?
That you alone know 'how things should be'?
You know NOTHING! I have walked beyond the veil, and it gave me...

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Thanks 4 the add!
