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19 years old
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Last Login:

perlman was in your extended network

perlman's blurbs

About me:

Jim "Fat Fuck" Sterling (aka James Stanton and listed as James Sexton) from Brandon, MS, is a fat lumpy retarded, inbred, britfag cuck who moved to America because Britain didn't smell enough like shit for his liking. Once in America he became a professional faggot, cuck, mongoloid, SJW, pseudo-intellectual, and most importantly MovieBob's personal fuck doll.

He's bounced around from gaming news site to gaming news sites, getting booted from all of them and taking bribes for good reviews wherever he can while calling women cunts on twitter, before finally landing on Patreon as well as landing a land-whale of a wife and becoming the SJW most other SJWs hate for being the most quintessential white trash to ever exists and, by his vary existence, diverting funds from black and female scam artists on the site because no one cares what a nigger or a sandwich maker have to say about video games. Ironically, like any other frustrated, dickless, and imaginationless goat faced hiveminded "hardkore gamer", he loves putting Japanese companies on his shitlist if they don't meet his criteria for his backwards, uncultured and pedantically ignorant ass.

He is currently still making videos on youtube while his wife goes out on her mobility scooter to sleep with other men (seriously, she admitted to cheating on him all the time with his knowledge).

Who I'd like to meet:

ur Mama!!

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Thanks 4 the add!
