you mean something like an image in your description? Or do you mean one of those welcome images that appear for a second or two?
in either case you want to look into "css @keyframes". I am not an expert at this you should create an animation with the "opacity();" css rule and apply that to the image in question
1s linear 5s 1 forwards;
mix-blend-mode: lighten;
@keyframes hide {
to {
opacity: 0;
put all of this right after "animation: hide"
thank you homie :')
if it's the page intro you're talking about, i got you homie
body::after {
content: "";
display: block;
position: fixed;
left: -32px;
top: 0;
width: calc(100% + 32px);
height: calc(100% + 32px);
background-image: url(;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: repeat;
z-index: 10000000;
animation: ScanlineAnimationRight 0.3s linear infinite;
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 1;
animation: hide
welcome images that show up for a sec, ja.
you mean something like an image in your description? Or do you mean one of those welcome images that appear for a second or two?
in either case you want to look into "css @keyframes". I am not an expert at this you should create an animation with the "opacity();" css rule and apply that to the image in question