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NostalgiaIdjit's Blog

"Witten Pride ik ik"
94 years old
United States
Last Login: 1607060986000
Contacting NostalgiaIdjit
All Blogs (10/10)

Two words Survey (im bored)

Two word answers..

  1. Where is your cell phone? ................... My Lap

  2. Your significant other?...................... My Couch

  3. Your hair? .................................. too Frizzy

  4. Your mother? ................................ Dead Prolly

  5. Your father?................................. No Idea

  6. Your favorite thing?......................... My Phone (lol)

  7. Your dream last night?....................... Corona Virus

  8. Your favorite drink? ........................Blue Gatorade!

  9. Your dream/goal?.............................Make Money

  10. The room you're in?.........................Living Room

  11. Your favorite food?.........................H O T C H I P

  12. Your fear?..................................one fear

  13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?.........not here

  14. Where were you last night?..................Bad Place

  15. What you're not?............................Wrong Bitch

  16. Muffins?....................................YES PLZZZZZ

  17. One of your wish list items?................fancy dress

  18. Where you grew up?..........................Sh*t hole

  19. The last thing you did?.....................ate chips

  20. What are you wearing?.......................NO PANTZ XP

  21. Your TV?....................................too loud

  22. Your pets?..................................have none D:

  23. Your computer? .............................so old T____T

  24. Your life?..................................F*CKED UP

  25. Your mood?..................................sleepy time

  26. Missing someone?............................not me

  27. Your car?...................................broke af

  28. What you're about to do?....................sleep soon

  29. Favorite Store?.............................CANDY STORE

  30. Your summer?................................indoor summer

  31. Your job?...................................self employed ;3

  32. Your favorite color?........................ALL PINK!!!!

  33. Last time you laughed.......................jst now

  34. Last time you cried?........................earlier today

  35. Who will repost this?.......................i dunno :O
