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Red's Blog

"minecraft is poggers owo"
14 years old
United States
Last Login: 16/06/2021
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8 Jun 2021, 10:41

grief (vent, no typing quirk)

so uh- my s/o, he's part of a system and went dormant, they don't know when he'll be back. i always thought i'd be able to move on quickly if this happened but im struggling a lot right now. me and him had a fuck ton of plans and i guess it kinda hurts that i might never be able to meet him in person and do all the stuff we planned together.
not doing as bad as last night but you know, i could be doing a lot better. don't really know what to do now though. woundering if this is what it feels like to have a loved on die or go into a coma? all i know is it really fucking hurts

update, it was just a scare he's okay :)
