i have befriended my local murder, so far in the past 4 days two crows have been coming by and taking the peanuts i throw out to them. their names are harold and fishbowl, soon i will amass an army of crows... be scared
oh they say that crows if they become your companions will start bringing you things.
maybe you'll get lucky and they'll bring you some contagious but cool stuff.
even better! they will bring me weapons of biological warfare
oh they say that crows if they become your companions will start bringing you things.
maybe you'll get lucky and they'll bring you some contagious but cool stuff.
thank you (:
i'm terrified n admittedly a little impressed
bet, your rats got noting
m41 r4t 4rmy 1s c0m1ng t0 b4ttl3 ur cr0wz t0n1ght 4t 2:47 4M. sq4ur3 up >:3
i love crows
Yayayayay friends ☺