(feelings man, !!VENT!!)
ii miiss my s/oo :( hee's buusy rn thoouugh, ii'm proobaably juust cliingy.
ii'm aalsoo juust uunstaablee aas fuuck riight noow aaand schooool aand shiit iisn't heelpiing. eendeed uup haaviing aa breeaak doown iin aart claass toodaay :/ feeeeliing liikee craap rn ngl.
(i miss my s/o :( he's busy rn though, i'm probably just clingy.
i'm also just unstable as fuck right now and school and shit isn't helping. ended up having a break down in art class today :/ feeling like crap rn ngl.)
1'm cl1ngy s0 1 t0t4lly g3t 1t