my old pal iphone 6s is slowly giving me up.
after so many years of using religiously android i bought a 6s for a cheap price , but this little pal is giving up.
so , the budget is 400 euros
i'm thinking about buying a OnePlus Nord 5G , or Motorola Edge
idk tho , suggest some cool phones :3
I like flip phones with as few features as possible and the longest battery life I can find. So the Nokia 2720 is kinda the new hotness for me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
the Google pixel line of phones is really good, they even have a budget version of the phones, but they are a beautiful version of android,.very simple design, great camera, good hardware and user interface for a great price.
My iPhone 6 Plus (the phone I’m on rn) is holding up strong still lol
Ya I think OnePlus is the safest choice :) don't go near Huawei not the best phones rn don't do my mistake lol