the online now is not text it is a gif so to change appearance its easier to just replace it like this:
#online {content: url(image url goes here);}
it is best to keep the image size 80 x 20
i made my own in adobe photoshop for the comic sans font but i dont recommend it,use Piskel instead
save the default online now image:
if you dont know windows93 has piskel on it too you might as well use!piskel you can go to file - open then in the file viewer press file - import file and then open the online now gif from your computer.
tips: ctrl/command + z to undo, press a to get a paint bucket which does all colours at once, use the select tool with ctrl/command + c to copy and then ctrl/command + v which works well across frames
when you edited all the frames set the FPS (the default one is 5) then save to desktop.right click it press Download as
then just upload the image somewhere like and add to your css
here is what i made (you can use this one please give credit to koala71783)
heres another one i made quick so i dont care for credit
thank you koala, this is really cool