hhhh i'm bored,, tell me how your day was, tell me some random fact, hit me up on discord or whatever the fuck idk
my cellphone broke yesterday yay, not totally interesting
I went golfing yesterday and spilled coke on my dress oOf
Im very fine, going to mow the lawn today.
ohhhhh🥺❤ i'm so proud of flossie, she seems like a nice cat
today flossie chased a meany cat away the cat is mean to petal and rosie alot but flossie scared it away which is cool and makes me happy because flossie used to not like petal and rosie but now she is ok and protect them from the meany cat ☺
my cellphone broke yesterday yay, not totally interesting
I went golfing yesterday and spilled coke on my dress oOf
Im very fine, going to mow the lawn today.
ohhhhh🥺❤ i'm so proud of flossie, she seems like a nice cat
today flossie chased a meany cat away
the cat is mean to petal and rosie alot but flossie scared it away which is cool
and makes me happy because flossie used to not like petal and rosie but now she is ok and protect them from the meany cat ☺