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Mizuki's Blog

"The moon is beautiful today, isn't it?"
13 years old
United States
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I almost died

This took place more yesterday night when my parents where going to grab some water. I was leaning against the car door which I thought no one would open the door but I was basically really wrong about that, my mother opened the door to ask me to grab one of the carriages or something like that and when she opened the door I almost fell off. And where we were there was concrete everywhere so if you got hurt, sucks to suck. My father parked near the sidewalk so there's that big thing but isn't big, I don't know how to describe it but it was the center of the sidewalk. Once I almost fell I held on the nearest thing to hold on which was the front seat head and I yelled at my mother saying "hey". My father heard the commotion and threatened me saying to not yell at my mother ever again. He told her that if I yell at her then she needs to tell me to shut my mouth and hit me because it's what I deserved. I told my father that I almost fell and I could have gotten a concussion or even brain damage which can lead to death, maybe. He said he didn't care and that I needed to shut my goddamn mouth. My father threatens me a lot which i'm used to but he doesn't do it so often because i'm old enough to be mature. Once my father settled down he went back to what he was doing which he was putting the water in the back of the truck. I gave my mother what she needed and after they were done with their work which took about 3 or less minutes they both went back to their life not caring what the hell I did. It's like they both didn't care if I die at all. Now I probably know why he said that and it's maybe because he didn't think before he said that, in which case, I don't do that either cause it's confusing and it sometimes gets me dizzy. I was straight up crying on the way home, luckily it was night so both of my parents didn't see if I was tearing down. Even if they did see me cry they both still would't care. After we got home I was supposed to drag one of the waters but not carry them since they were heavy. Once I got off the truck my father gave me 2 or 3 dollars and said nothing. They really didn't care what I just did. I'm a bit relived at that because I wouldn't have to go home and my father would start yelling at me and then slap me. I always thought that if I did something really horrible or bad I would think my father would yell at me then hit me leaving a mark on either my arms or face. I've lived like that since I was little and it scares me if they still even want to do that to me. It was also basically my fault for almost falling because I was leaning on the door which I shouldn't be doing in the first place, and when I yelled at my mother, I didn't have time to think. I didn't think anything bad would happen and it would be reasonable to yell at her because I almost fell. Pretty stupid at me but I was scared so I couldn't control it, I was mad at her and both of my parents didn't seem to care at all. I wish it was like that for my grades


I'm glad someone thinks the same about my parents, my mother one time slapped me because I told my sister to stop punching the seat and my mother came in the car and slapped me and which I got my first nosebleed


That’s messed up, I would have yelled as well. Your parents seem like miserable people


I'm really sorry that happened :(( ALSO you are not stupid Mizzy anyone with a sense of mind would yell if they were about to fall and hurt themselves. It's okay to feel like someone may not care about what happens to you, but deep down somewhere I'm betting they do care even if they don't show it. I hope your feeling alright and please don't let this occurrence hurt you mentally.
