The Official Discord Server™ goes by many names, Reddit Server, Toxic...... nah that's kinda it.
It's pretty cool although I want to start advertising again so there are new people other than the core server members always talking. Sadly it isn't really anarchy anymore though I'll probs mass unban some people on new years.
the server is not myspace specific, it is for anything and everything, but like 85% of people on there are from myspace and the rest are people I know irl (although only a few irl people are active 😢)
anyway, that's where I am, not very active here anymore if you couldn't tell. also if you do want some myspace specific servers here are 2 others you can try joining
W93 Myspace CSS server
"a server for learning more about css. sometimes people talk. and when people talk it is enjoyable"
Gerberbabie's myspace server
"join my myspace server if you'd like; there're lots of great people on there. lifted the age limit, but if you're younger than 13 I do not want you there. please."
also, a warning in advance before you join The Official Discord Server™, like 90% of the stuff said it is sarcastic or shitposting, so don't take anything seriously. if something seems unclear feel free to ask because 99% of the time misunderstandings and fights happen just cause a text was misinterpreted.
Me and jaden after e-sex vc
Yes yes
what if i weren't gay so i've might contact Team Wonderstar?
I just pogchamped a little
join it is cool ☺