this list took me 5 years to make enjoy
- people who add custom cursors that don't align properly
- people with loud music that hurts my ears
- people who put their bio in a blog post instead of their actual about section
- people with fancy zombocom css intros that make their page unusable until the animation is done playing
- people who add people just to boost their fwiend count, usually these types of people never interact once you've added them and are boring
- people who send requests but don't message first when they're accepted
- people who set elements to fixed positions and break their pages at lower resolutions
- people who make the text color and background color nearly the same so I have to read shit using ctrl+a
- people who make test accounts
- people who delete tom's thanks 4 the add comment
- people who change the text on the add button so it doesn't say "remove fwiend" once you're fwiends so you don't know if you've added them or not
- people who edit player controls so you can't pause or turn down the music and if autoplay is turned off in your browser then you can't even start the music
- people who follow specific aesthetics
- people who use CSS animations that sway around all the elements like their page is on a boat that's getting smacked by waves
- people who make all of the text on their page blurry
- people who put 40 billion background images in their css, especially if they're gifs
- people who make the userwall id an overflow element that can only display like 3 posts at a time without needing to scroll
- people who put the @ symbol in front of usernames when referring to people. use markdown to link them or just say their id
- people who use tone indicators
- people who say unironically
- underage people who hornypost and/or refer to themselves as whores, femboys, thots, sluts, etc
- senile old people who say they're minors even though their profile info says they're 69 or 100+ years old
- witches
- elves
- probably goblins
i deleted tom's thank you comment F
woahhhhh big list
We need to invent a system where we can rate cringe based on this list
The third entry on the list kind of covers that. People who link their accounts on other platforms should put info like that in their about section.
Can you add people who put their other social media link like tiktok or instagram in a blog post?
I agree
I added you to my friend list just to say this is true and everybody who disagree need to be added on this list
i know
all of these emo normies are trippin out rn
I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it.