okok so last night i was messing around on ibispaint x and figured out how to make my photos look like they were taken in 2011 with a bad iphone camera so now im gonna show you how!!
first i made a new canvas on ibispaint x with the resolution being around 200-250px (mine was 200x250) and make the brightness around 52% and the contrast about 18% (also i did crop it a bit when importing) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/846970079832178750/846971921538613289/Untitled1071_20210525214100.jpg
then duplicate the layer and use "Gaussian blur" (9px) and turn the opacity down https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/846970079832178750/846979024759554088/Untitled1071_20210525221209.jpg
then add some color noise on a new layer and turn the layer blending move to "overlay" and turn the opacity down https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/846970079832178750/846979690178805770/Untitled1071_20210525221446.jpg
and then here i just added an instagram filter and messing with the contrast and brightness a bit x3 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/846970079832178750/846980000745914397/Screenshot_20210525-180947.jpg?width=340&height=407