Clyde is daddy.clyde go check her out.
So Clyde is really friendly so she can become friends with you in under 5 minutes and that’s pretty much how Xander and Clyde became friends. Xander’s horny ass couldn’t wait to be with a girl so he chose Clyde and decided to kiss her and stuff. I was really grossed out and honestly shocked. When Clyde told me about her first kiss with him i was low key mad. I think that’s why people thought i liked him. I was just mad bc i realized that he’s a motherfucking hoe. Dirty ass dipshit fuck. Pussy ass dumbfuck retarted goddamn gay piece of shit. The next day, a bunch of people started telling me how Clyde hates me and thinks i want to steal her man. That’s how there was a clash between me and Clyde.
When you express more feelings than I do