so fucking tired of going to school and hearing nothing but "dababy" and "SHEEEEEEE" all day i genuinely despise all of the incessant fucking babbling coming out of these insufferable troglodytes' mouth i hate it here so much
ME FUCKING TOO, I CANT LAST ONE FUCKING DAY WITHOUT MY CLASSMATES SAYING "you sus" "SHEEEEEEEESH" "did i ever tell you that you look like dababy" "LESS GOOOO" its so fucking annoying i wish i was in a different class
ME FUCKING TOO, I CANT LAST ONE FUCKING DAY WITHOUT MY CLASSMATES SAYING "you sus" "SHEEEEEEEESH" "did i ever tell you that you look like dababy" "LESS GOOOO" its so fucking annoying i wish i was in a different class
afaik seesh is simelar (i cant spell) to yoooo. At least its just dababy and not unironic gachalife/edgy/emo/fortnite cringe kiddies
What's "sheeeesh"?
I dont get how the sheesh is funny but my sister says it
indeed, wait am i on the wrong account. TAKE THEM TO CHURCH (ok thats better)
the car meme was funny at first but it ENRAGES me to hear now omfg white rich straight men humor is so bad
I get what you mean. I'm gonna gouge someone's eyes out the next time I hear the words "Less goo".
i hate you die