Not sure which one you're playing (1st, 2nd?) but on the 2nd, two songs I used to warm up and stretch my fingers are Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop and Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters. I also turn up the speed to max which helps me better pick out notes and timing. Are you playing with a guitar or a controller? The same songs still work really well as warm ups for the controller. It's fine to go into practice mode and go as slow as you can until you 100% everything then bump the speed up a
Not sure which one you're playing (1st, 2nd?) but on the 2nd, two songs I used to warm up and stretch my fingers are Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop and Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters. I also turn up the speed to max which helps me better pick out notes and timing. Are you playing with a guitar or a controller? The same songs still work really well as warm ups for the controller. It's fine to go into practice mode and go as slow as you can until you 100% everything then bump the speed up a
But rock music is satanic 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😳😳🤬🤯😱😱😱☹️☹️