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pencil_victim's Blog

"The faint spattering of rain"
14 years old
New Zealand
Last Login: 1622722591000
Contacting pencil_victim
All Blogs (4/10)


I think that i would like to challenge em and em to a fight. I think it would be interesting to see the outcomes of that. I dont think id win but like its a pretty cool thing to say oh “i battled with Eminem” how many people cant say that except for people in like that one movie fight club or whatever. What would i like say to induce the fight, like oh you are annoying do you think he would take the bait? Okay so I’m bored of talking about that now. I really wanna live in an eco commune. I dont have a very good grasp on what it is but if i just dive straight in it will be fine. Anyways me sister will prolly be the instigator of that ( as in she will host it) yeah I’m basically only living for that, boy i cant wait to chop wood all day. Why is the max characters for a blog 4096. Okay so i think i could fight Sian if she looks at me again rudely guys hype me up in the comments please. This is how my mind works its hell

Okay bye all love you all
If you read this go take a long walk and ask yourself why you wasted so much time.
Ps- i forgot what i was gonna say and I’m not sure if. I was gonna say anything oh god

