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_ethereal_visions_'s Blog

"good morning starshine ! the earth says hello !"
Trans Man
16 years old
United States
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thinking (fruity) thoughts once more

This stomach has been killing me all day! Really sucks and I couldn't even attend my Physics class today. I've also got this shake in my hands and legs. Very unknown as to why, it simply just began to happen and I've been laying in bed since. A pain in the ass really.

Besides that, I've been thinking about my significant other. They don't quite yet exist in my life, but I cannot wait for when they do. I would take them out on picnics and to Old Town. We would go vintage shopping down there and go to that restaurant I love so much so to get some ice cream. To hold their hand and walk to the streets of Old Town.
Wouldn't that be fun?
I'd kill to head outside right now and just go dance to some music. If it weren't for me being in pain right now I would just get all dressed out and run around outside, dancing to the lyrics to this song that makes me feel like I'm in a netflix movie. I would simply look a fool, but I would be the main character in this small town.

also if anyone has any song recs, pls send me them. I've been listening to the same songs for weeks

okay much love bye bye
