I went through abit of an identity crisis in the previous years so I wrote an I list to help me 'figure myself out' it hasn't helped but is interesting enough <3
Always try to see the best in people
Wanna be everybody’s everything
Really wanna smoke
LOVE guys who are confident in themselves
Am anxious-avoidant
Dissociate often
Am not a Christian
Can be too much of a romantic
Am not brave - in some moments
Should try not to fall for peaches every again
Fear never finding anyone that loves me truly
Am both too trusting though i can struggle to trust
Get tattoo Inso from this - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8091886/chapters/18542611
Can be obsessive
Can become self detrimentally angry
I. I. Don’t mind just having an emotional breakdown watching people in love
Just wanna find someone to fall in love with.
Feel that talking to internet strangers on discord/reddit isn’t something to boast about
Don’t have patience for dumb shit
Get hella anxious for meeting people/meeting people a second time
Can get bored of most people
Am part of the universe
Would want to look at everyone like I love them - make people feel listened too -
Think I would like to be choked
Have a lovely spirit
Love star/moon/sun imagery in romance
Feel shy/scared when I meet a new person, gender makes some difference
Am not emotionally strong enough to ‘Stan’ a group
Can spend too much time with people + then I get grumpy as shit!
Feel like a Scum Fuck Flower Girl
Can handle tense situations
Can get obsessive/idealistic when I like people
Feel I tricked myself into being louder and more socially anxious than I am.
Can be naive + hope for the best
Am much more turned on by emotional attachment than physical
Think there is a lot of space in my heart and not enough in my head
Need to be less impulsive
Sometimes forget people aren’t all good
Want someone I can sit in silence with
Am quieter than I think I am ?
Struggle with low moods
Want to write a script with real un cute / romantic feelings no pixie dream girls
May as well swear by the stars
Need time by myself now and again to figure out who I am - as I can become too much like those around me, yuck
Sometimes wish that I was in a real-life uselessly fluffy soulmate AU where the thoughts of my soulmate inscribe themselves on my skin in a shifting magic tattoo
Sometimes feel like I’m going insane
Can be way too idealistic
Find it hard to let go of people
I want to find someone I can have an intellectual conversation with
Can stay calm in arguments
Am only physical with people I am v v v close to
Am turned on by strong emotional attachment
Feel like smoking (a lot) ~ very often ~ yes
am not very competitive
Am defo a bottom
Don’t feel comfortable getting positive feedback
Hate having to do personal statement type stuff
Don’t like keeping in contact with people online as it doesn’t feel real
Would want a deep emotional connection, comfort, and love. But I struggle opening up and dealing with emotional people.
Love the idea of soulmate - AU’s. If it be an image, writing showing up, weird hair + eye colour stuff, empathy sharing or even just knowing.
Am a hopeless romantic. I wanna find ‘the one’
Often say - I HAVE A FRIEND (when drunk. Does that make me boring?)
Want to change the world
Know someone better + fully trust I can act more childish around them
Have a large personal bubble
I don’t feel like I could do things with no strings attached
Get attached easy
Get EMOTIONALLY attached af
Kinda wished the emotions when touch soulmate vibe thing existed
Wish I took myself less seriously
Can detach myself from situations sometimes (foreshadowing holyshit)
Can be chill under some types of pressure
Overthink too much/easy
Love soulmate stories
Wanna find someone to love
Am sensitive to violence
Can be too idealistic
Believe in many gods
Want to feel protected by a partner
“Am not emotionally strong enough to ‘Stan’ a group” -this is a good thing, not a bad thing