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IzzyE's Blog

"Ere long done do does did"
16 years old
United States
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Modern day facebook/myspace??

I was playing emily is away <3 and i realized that there's weirdly no modern-day equivalent to stuff like facebook and myspace...
I mean I know facebook is still a thing and obviously THIS is myspace but no one over the age of 35 uses facebook and only weirdos like us use myspace93 lol

It's pretty weird that as of right now there isn't really a social media platform that can really be about YOU like how facebook was and how myspace kinda is, or at least none that I know of

It sucks man!
I want to write statuses, i want to post pictures with friends, i wanna poke people, i want a feed where i can post edgy song lyrics and invite people to events they wont go to, i want my friends to use the same site as me!!

So if anyone knows of some magical decently popular site/platform where i can do that stuff, that i somehow haven't heard of yet, PLEASE let me know!!!
